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Make space for the joy, peace and fulfillment you deserve

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Be Authentic, Be Bold, Be Present, Be YOU

On the road to achievement, you have forgotten about yourself

👉🏾Right now you are struggling with:

-Enforcing your boundaries

-Not speaking up for yourself

-Afraid to ask for help because you don't want to be a burden

-Walking on eggshells and overcommitting to avoid hurting other's feelings or letting people down

-Being overly hard on yourself

-Difficulty discerning what is a healthy relationship

-Worry that if you change, things will get worse or people will leave you

👉🏾As a result you feel:

-Overwhelmed, drained and stuck

-Lack of energy and time for the things that really matter to you

-Held hostage by the needs/wants of others

-Unappreciated and over-extended

-Resentful and Angry

-Feeling unsure of yourself and what you should be doing

You keep shrinking and living your life based on what others want from you... but what you really want is to pursue your own goals and do what makes you happy

You aren't living your life the way YOU want to because you care too much about what other people think

The Problem Is You Keep Waiting Passively For Things To

"Just Get Better"

Your value is not defined by how you can be of use to others.

You are inherently valuable and deserving of love, respect, and happiness, regardless of any external factors. You deserve to live your life by your design. You deserve to live the life of your dreams

It's time to put yourself first, it's time to CHOOSE YOU!

Let's get back to the basics...back to our ABC's

The ABC's of Authenticity

The ABC's of Authenticity™

It's who you are, how you care for who you are and how you show up as who you are


Get Crystal clear on your identity and values

Learn how to have faith and trust in your self again. Finally learn how to confidently prioritize yourself and your needs/wants. In addition you'll learn to stop being so hard on yourself and let go of overthinking and perfectionism.

In This module we will challenge our limiting mindsets, overcome fear, instill new empowering and true beliefs, learn how to validate ourselves and instill a habit of self-compassion.

This will allow you to get unstuck and gain the confidence you need to live life by your design. You will stop being burdened and held back by the opinions of others.

By the end of this module You'll be able to walk into any and every room and confidently be the authentic you! You'll also start defining "success" by your own standards and stop living in a scarcity mindset.


What's your responsibility and what's not your business

Learn how to say no and let it be a complete sentence that doesn't leave you feeling guilty.

Drop the codependency and responsibility for others. Learn how to identify where your responsibility ends and theirs begins.

In this module you will learn how to raise your standards, enforce your boundaries and release the need to control everything.

As a result you will stop feeling overwhelmed and resentful. You'll also stop feeling like people walk all over you. You'll learn to stand up for yourself and stop being the fixer/savior.

Conflict management

Cultivate relationships with people who LOVE the real you

Oh...This is the hot stuff we've been avoiding. In this module you will learn conflict resolution skills. Including how to walk away from and let go of relationships that no longer serve you.

In this module you will learn how to get comfortable with the fact that sometimes you will offend people and it's ok if they don't like you.

In addition you will learn how to build relationships with people who are aligned with you. You'll also learn how to effectively introduce the new you to the relationships you want to keep.

As a result, you'll learn how to always be honest in how you feel about others, reduce or eliminate social anxiety, stop taking everything so personally and know that you'll be ok whether people stay or go.

The ABC's of Authenticity will bring you the clarity and confidence to live life on your terms!


"I learned to quiet the [naysayers] down and start taking action..."

"I was reading a lot of books and listening to a lot of podcast but I was doing nothing with it. Thanks to this course I started to do the I feel great and empowered."


HEre's what you get when you enroll

1:1 Coaching Calls:

8 weeks of weekly coaching

One on One, just you and me working together to overcome your mindset traps and replace them with new empowering beliefs.

This is the support you've been missing!!

The Ultimate Workbook

In this workbook I give you all the tools and resources you need to step into your authentic identity. It's the step-by-step reinvention playbook.

The ABC Curriculum:

Lifetime access

This curriculum is priceless. It's going to help you finally step into the vision you have for yourself. You'll stop existing/surviving and step fully into thriving. It's a 360 approach to every step it takes to drop the people-pleasing and become a confident heart-centered woman who knows exactly who she is and lives exactly how she wants!

One on One, just you and me working together to overcome your mindset traps and replace them with new empowering beliefs.

This is the support you've been missing!!

In this workbook I give you all the tools and resources you need to step into your authentic identity. It's the step-by-step reinvention playbook.

This curriculum is priceless. It's going to help you finally step into the vision you have for yourself. You'll stop existing/surviving and step fully into thriving. It's a 360 approach to every step it takes to become a confident heart-centered woman who knows exactly who she is and lives exactly how she wants!

With these tools, you will drastically improve your relationship with yourself in just 8 weeks and start living life by design instead of default!


"Before taking this course I was really confused and didn't know how to deal with my self-limiting beliefs...."

"I appreciated that [Anna] was very vulnerable and said I struggle with this as well, let's figure out a way we can go through this together. After going through the course I feel amazing and like the possibilities are endless. I feel empowered and like I can tap into my authentic self"


Picture this...

Those inner dreams and ideas you've been putting on the back burner...the ones you've all but forgotten about...what if they became your reality?

What if you sat down and did absolutely nothing all day and didn't feel a bit guilty for it?

What if you didn't have to prove yourself or validate your existence and instead you just enjoyed your life however you saw fit?

What if you could have all the above and it didn't make you a bad person/wife/mother/friend?

You absolutely can and I can't wait to show you how!

Imagine how different your life will be in just eight weeks of doing the inner work!

As you begin to recognize your own value and develop an abundance mindset, you will feel more confident, empowered, and fulfilled in all aspects of your life. I am here to support you every step of the way and help you achieve your goals.

Together, we will work to transform your limiting beliefs and emotions into empowering ones. You will have a new look on life and your self-worth in less than 8 weeks.


"The course was very informative and transformational"

"I found that [Anna's] vulnerability allowed me to open up. I was able to identify and move past some of my blockages. She was able to help me identify some of my patterns and give me the tools to be able to move forward."


MEET Your Coach, Anna

Supporting and serving others is one of my favorite things to do...Seriously!

Hi my name is Anna and I'm a recovering people-pleaser 😊

I never felt like I could be myself, I felt the need to be performative and shape-shift so that people would like me.

After becoming a parent at 16 years old... I found myself lost, insecure and unsure of who I was or what I wanted in life. I depended on other's to tell me if I was good enough and I sought to seek their approval through my actions and self-sacrifice. I REALLY wanted people to like me (even though I HATED to admit that) so I'd make myself small to keep the peace. I was scared that if people knew who I really was they wouldn't like me.

I became completely out of touch with my voice and the desires of my heart. I couldn't even tell you what my hobbies were! I was stuck and life was just passing me by.

I reached a breaking point and I couldn't do it anymore. I took a sabbatical from friendships and dating to seek help and to do the inner work I needed to find myself.

I'm thrilled to now say I know exactly who I am and I live my life exactly how I please without the concern of other's opinions or judgement. I found my voice and I use it. All. The. Time! I live a life of enjoyment. I have sooo much fun. I prioritize my needs. I'm no longer waiting to be chosen, I choose my damn self!

I want the same for YOU!

Along my journey I became a Board Certified Professional Life Coach. I have about 5 years of experience coaching people through their mindset blocks. I also have a BA in Psychology and a MSA in Administration. I'm proud to say that I have the education, training and experience to coach you through the obstacles that are preventing you from becoming a Heart-Centered Woman!

I can't wait to teach you everything I learned and Coach you through your own struggles.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are my chances of success?

What I can promise you is that I will show up fully and you will have my undivided attention and unwavering support and guidance to coach you through this. In addition you will have an entire toolbox to support you on your journey. It's time to bet on yourself and take action. If you show up and do the work, you will be successful!

How do I know if this is a good fit?

Great question. This program is not for you if you are not ready to put in the work. This is also not a program for people who are looking for someone else to tell them how they should live. You are perfect for this course if you are ready to do the necessary inner work to overcome your fears and move forward to step into the person you are meant to be.

What kind of support will I have?

You will have lifetime access to the ABC curriculum. This gives you the ability to learn, implement and grow then repeat. In addition you will receive a course workbook with tools, resources and prompts. Last but certainly not least, you will receive 8 weeks of 1:1 coaching once a week. The mindset work I coach you through in the first 8 weeks will set you up to crush the curriculum and see real change

Do you offer refunds?

No, all sales are final and refunds are not offered. However, since the
application process requires a zoom call, you can be confident in knowing whether or not this investment is right for you BEFORE you enroll.

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